Hurricane force waves and a lightning bolt caused significant damage to this large historic house
2014 - 2017
Grade B Listed House
Repairs in progress
The Sandlodge Company Ltd
Sandwick, Shetland
Irvine Contractors, Shetland Amenity Trust
Richard Gibson Architects, Dale Smith
In February 2012, prolonged gales set up a fierce sea which flattened the stone walls that surround Sand Lodge house. Having been knocked down in previous years by exceptional seas, the practice designed a way of reconstructing the walls to withstand future storms, while retaining their character under the historic listing.
The stone walls were completely rebuilt with new foundations. We adopted an earth retaining method for bolstering the new wall against heavy seas.
lightning damage
In January 2016, a bolt of lightning struck the house. The chimney was mostly destroyed. The roofs below suffered serious damage from flying debris. Restoration work was required to the chimney, roof, the lead and stonework.
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